The house system is historically rooted in academic institutions.  During the Middle Ages, students who sought an education would reside in a house with their master, devoting themselves to study.  The master not only taught, but also discipled his students.  These academic gatherings eventually became the foundations of the marvelous universities of England and other European countries.  In today’s modern schools, a “house” refers to a grouping of pupils into subunits from within the student body.

Haw River Christian Academy launched a house system in September 2014 with its first two houses.

Initially, the house system consisted of students in 5th grade and up. By 2021-22, the house system will only be comprised of upper school students. A student is an active member of their house until they graduate. Graduates will be invited to house reunion events. Over time, membership will consist of junior members (7th-9th Logic students), senior members (10th-12th Rhetoric students), and alumni (after 2023).

~ Siblings are assigned to the same house as their first inducted sibling.

OUR VISION (from 2014)

As a small and growing school, the house system of Haw River Christian Academy initially exists to provide more social and spiritual connectedness among students. The foundation of this system will set forth a culture and rhythm for the school that will support its original goal as the school increases in size, when connectedness can become more challenged to strengthen.


The Houses of HRCA shall exist to exhibit a visible, enjoyable, and thriving extension of the school’s primary vision and mission.


  1. Decentralized – The house system should not be a mechanism of the school administration. It should involve freedom that complements and embraces the culture of the school set forth since the founding of the school.
  2. Mentors – House leaders may include faculty or parents of the school.
  3. Socially Robust – The houses must provide ways for social interaction during school and outside of school. It should encourage the students to build friendships and enjoy competition while demonstrating love and respect toward other houses.
  4. Genuinely Diverse – Each house is selectively chosen so that the membership is comprised of an optimal balance: range of ages (grade levels), gender, skills and abilities (academic, athletic, and social).
Through an atmosphere conducive to positive role models and peer pressure, the houses compete for the “Pro Domo Nostra et Gloria Dei” (“For Our House and the Glory of God”) cup.  The houses compete in pre-determined academic and athletic exhibitions, participate in service projects, and have the opportunity to learn and demonstrate social graces at the fall and spring dances.  At the end of the school year, the house with the most points will carry the cup title until the next award season.